A community clinic in Northeastern Arkansas has family medicine positions available in Corning, Walnut Ridge, and Pocahontas, Arkansas.
Practice Details
- Group has offices in Corning, Paragould, Pocahontas, Walnut Ridge, Ash Flat, and Salem, Arkansas
- Group has 12 physicians and 12 advanced practice providers
- Physicians can work a 4 or 4.5-day workweek. No weekend work
- See patients 36 hours per week.
- 1:12 phone call, call schedule
- See 15 to 23 patients per day. See patients of all ages
- Solid compensation is dependent upon training and experience level+ complete benefits package. Federal loan repayment.
- Potential stipend while you are completing residency.
About Corning, Arkansas
- Corning is in northeast Arkansas, less than ten miles from the Missouri-Arkansas state line and 50 miles north of Jonesboro.
- Enjoy lakes around Corning, along with the Black, Cache, and Current rivers, and in the winter the area attracts a large number of migratory waterfowl, making it a popular area for duck hunters.